Hello and welcome to imagineyourmusic.com.

Imagine  you have to prepare an audition or a concert, but that, unfortunately,

your pianist  or any other instrumentalist is absent  or not availablef for the rehearsals.

You then have no other choice then to sing or play  the musical program

without them, which is not always easy and convenient.

Imagine now  that in this case you would have at your disposal  the musical basis of the pianist,

or the instrumentalist, would’nt that be ideal?

The process is simple: you tell  me what you need to be able to rehearse or what you need for your concert program,

and I will deliver you the musical base as soon as possible via the internet.

And in case you dont have the sheet music , I can also create the score through logic pro x editor.

 I look forward  to create the musical basis for your music project.


